Monday 15 September 2014

New Friends

Anyone that knows me, knows I love to have a chat!!!

On Saturday I was shopping at my local supermarket when I meet Helen and Fred, an elderly couple who have been gardening their entire lives. Fred's nick name for Helen is "green fingers" Helen told me about the tomatoes and garlic varieties that their families had been growing for 100's of years.

I heard story's of how Huge and tasty these varieties were. My eyes grew wide with enthusiasm and asked if they would be interested in a trade, some fresh eggs for some tomato seeds and garlic bulbs.

Helen and Fred were delighted and invited me to their home. I had a wonderful afternoon, exploring their amazing garden and learning so much about their gardening and life experiences.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Helen and Fred for inviting me into their home and sharing with me. I plan to stay in regular contact with them and share our gardens bountys.

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