Thursday 25 September 2014


I have been growing lilies for the past couple of years now, and have developed a real love for them.

This year I have planted a few more varieties, to try to extend the flowering season.

I have Oriental, Asiatic, Trumpet, La Hybrid varieties.

I have some that have multiplied in the ground from last year and some new bulbs. I purchased a lot of bulbs from Garden Express, for a bargain price this year.

These are some bulbs just poking through, getting ready for a magical display over summer.

Rococo Tulip

This is my first year growing Rococo Tulip, I am so in love with its unusual beauty.
The outer leaves are ruffled and embellished with shades of blue, green and yellow.

Apple Trees Waking Up From Winter

Today I discovered the first true blooms from my apple trees.

These trees are about 3 years old now, so I am hoping for some apples this year. I have been saving apple recipes for a couple of years now, in the anticipation of an abundant apple crop.

I Have Pink Lady and Granny Smith Varieties.

From Little Things Big Things Grow

It has been about a month since I planted seeds all day

The tomatoes are starting to grow

Parsley is looking good (I have flat and curly leaf varieties)

The Chives are doing the best

It will be interesting finding somewhere to plant them all!!!

I am not having much success with chilli, basil and peppermint, I think it maybe getting too hot in the 
green house.

My cabbages are almost ready for harvest now. One has bolted (the chooks enjoyed it) and a few have been chomped by caterpillars, but overall they have exceeded expectations.

The carrot and onions are really growing rapidly now that temperatures during the day have averaged above 15 degrees and we have had a little rain.

Garlic i planted last weekend is already shooting through the soil surface.

The snow peas are doing well, although not many make it to the kitchen because i have been snacking on them in the backyard.

I have 4 days off now, so i am planning my Spring/Summer garden.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Marvellous Miracles

It's always amazed me how such small insignificant and really large significant things can really change your perspective.

A tiny seed can produce dozens of delicious plump tomatoes, or a shrivelled ugly bulb can produce such a beautiful bloom.

There is so much stress, and negativity in the world today. The pressure is rising and many don't really know how to cope.

I believe there is something out there for all of us!!!
We should all focus on what makes us happy!!!

I always wonder what it was like when times were more simple. Did people take the time to really appreciate what they had? now it feels like a rat race, running from here to there, never taking the time to smell the roses as they say.

We all have ups and downs. Truly stepping back at taking a look my life I have an amazing husband, beautiful children, a fantastic job that challenges me every day, and I have found my true passion in the garden.

Please try to do something positive for yourself and someone else today. I challenge you.

let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
they are the charming gardeners who
make our souls blossom

Marcel Proust (1871-1922)
French writer and essayist

Saturday 20 September 2014

Flynn Floriade

Over the last few weekends I have really been enjoying the warmer weather. Its 18 degrees here today! All of the bulbs I have lovingly planted are rewarding me with their spectacular displays.

I have been practicing my garden photography, and playing with photo apps ...

This is my favourite shot ...

A few more ...

Next weekend I am planning to visit Tulip Top Gardens near Canberra.

I am looking for some inspiration for next years garden.

Monday 15 September 2014

Fruit Forest

I really wanted to achieve an abundant variety of fruit in my backyard. I have established a fruit forest in the area of my yard where the chooks live. The idea of doing this is to produce shade for my girls over summer, to get free fertiliser from the chooks and to make the most of available space.

So far in my fruit forest I have:

Granny Smith Apple
Pink Lady Apple ( these varieties cross pollinate)
Myer Lemons (2 growing in pots)

Mandarin (imperial)

Fejoa ( I have 3 of theses growing in the sub canopy layer)

Fig ( black genoa)
Peaches ( black boy and a freestone variety, also a peacharine cross variety)
Plums ( blood and orange fleshed varieties that cross pollinate)
Finger lime ( this was a lucky dip unnamed variety I purchased cheaply from (magnet mart)
Goji berries ( 2 of these)
Thornless Blackberries
Kiwi berries ( something new to try from the holt nursery)

Most of these varieties are dwarf stock, the only full sized trees are the apples, peach and fig. I plan to keep these pruned to a very manageable size. I heard a saying somewhere " you never see a ladder in a peach orchard".

I have planted all of the above over the last 12 months, I would expect to have an abundant supply of fruit throughout most of the year in about 2-4 years. I am not really a very patient person, however I am really looking forward to it !!!

New Friends

Anyone that knows me, knows I love to have a chat!!!

On Saturday I was shopping at my local supermarket when I meet Helen and Fred, an elderly couple who have been gardening their entire lives. Fred's nick name for Helen is "green fingers" Helen told me about the tomatoes and garlic varieties that their families had been growing for 100's of years.

I heard story's of how Huge and tasty these varieties were. My eyes grew wide with enthusiasm and asked if they would be interested in a trade, some fresh eggs for some tomato seeds and garlic bulbs.

Helen and Fred were delighted and invited me to their home. I had a wonderful afternoon, exploring their amazing garden and learning so much about their gardening and life experiences.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Helen and Fred for inviting me into their home and sharing with me. I plan to stay in regular contact with them and share our gardens bountys.

Sunday 14 September 2014

The Classy Way To Compost

I recently bought a worm café from Tumbleweed  to add another way I can reduce, reuse and recycle in my backyard.
I found the set up tutorial on YouTube to be very helpful, as I am not really good with instructions.
I really liked the package advertising (The Classy Way to Compost). I'm not sure what's classy about slimy worms eating scraps?
I am hoping that I can also save money on liquid fertiliser by using my homemade worm tea.

Spring has Sprung

I had the most glorious time in the backyard over the weekend, taking pictures to share with you.

These are some of my Tulips

Peach Blossoms


Plum Flowers

The Girls

Pretty Flowers
Hebe, Wattle and Grevillia

Snow Peas

Monday 1 September 2014

Heirloom Tomato Crazy

Last Friday I spent the day planting heirloom tomato seeds I purchased at the Holt Nursery.

I have Planted all Roma varieties, as I want to make relish and sauce. I have imagined opening the pantry filled with home made preserves every time I go shopping. This is the first step.

I suppose I probably planted 30-40 pots (I'm probably crazy) I have loads of friends with veggie gardens, I'm sure will appreciate a gifted tomato plant.

The Plan is to have tomatoes growing the full length of the back fence. I'm hoping that the tomatoes will do well from the heat off the colour bond.

I also planted pots of chill, Basil, Parsley and Mint. I would like to use some of these to give as gifts to the kids teachers and some of my friends for Christmas.

I purchased this little green house form Bunning for about $45. I really did fit a lot in.
I plan to experiment, if I do well I would like to invest in a walk in one.